Dr. Simon Rice is a Clinical Psychologist and Senior Research Fellow based at Orygen, The National Centre of Excellence in Youth Mental Health, at The University of Melbourne, Australia. He is supported by a National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) Career Development Fellowship. Simon leads Orygen’s young men’s mental health research area, and also works in the area of athlete mental health.

Simon has a long standing interest in men’s mental health, and including depression and suicidality in men. His work focuses on gender-appropriate assessment and intervention, with a view to improved service design and delivery for men and young men. His work has been recognised through competitive national and international grants and fellowships, including the Early Career Research Award from the Australian Psychological Society.

Simon practices as a clinician at the Orygen Youth Health early intervention service supporting young people and their caregivers following recent suicide attempt. He has a number of active collaborative projects with the Men’s Health Research team at the University of British Columbia.